Today on the blog, we want to uplift you. The journey to becoming a parent, as well as the parenting journey can be hard. Every feeling, at any given stage of this process is completely valid. However, sometimes we can forget that, as many times we are so isolated in the time when we need validation the most.
This is why, today we invite you to sit back with us. No need to think, just read. Here are ten affirmations to help you get through your day. Take what you love, write it on a post-it and put it on a mirror to find some inner strength if it helps you!
So there you have it! These are our hand crafted modern affirmations, and we hope you find one that resonates with you today. In this modern world, with research and opinions at our fingertips every minute of the day, it can often be hard to be gentle with ourselves. Today, we are here to tell you that it is entirely ok.
“The truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off.” – Gloria Steinem
Okay, so we aren’t here to piss anyone off today, but we do want to unleash the TRUTH of self care and set you free. When we think self care, we think bubble baths, women in their 20s-30s, the newest trend of shared blogs, spa days. This can be self care, self care DOES apply to everyone, no matter who you are. We especially believe it is important for parents of all stages, in order to raise children to be strong, self sufficient people who also believe they’re deserving of self care. It seems though, that we really don’t understand what self care is in society. Sure, bubble baths and spa days can be great, but when people resort to those strategies for self care, they often start to feel as it is an indulgent thing that can only be taken advantage of sometimes. The TRUTH? Self care is common sense. Self care is for everyone. Self care can happen every day. It’s all about how much of a priority it is in our lives, and here at NY Baby Co. we believe it should always be a big one! So how do you figure out what YOU need? How do you take care of yourself without in turn stressing yourself out about when you can fit a bubble bath into your day? We are so glad you asked! It’s one simple question. “What will bring me joy today?” That’s right! Self care doesn’t need a box. Self care can be different thing for different people. Here are some common ones we see among our clients:
But really, self care can be ANYTHING! It is anything that makes you happy or fills your cup. Yes, it can often be hard to set aside time, but when the time is set aside, we are recharged and refreshed for whatever the day (and probably night) has to bring us! What about you? What are your favorite self care tactics? At The NY Baby Co. we are true believers in FIERCE parenting! We want all of our parents to walk in the direction of confidence, fueled only by those who are going to contribute positively to their journey. While a doula serves to support, the ultimate goal is to nurture the family in a way that they will be able to function independently and no longer need the additional support. We will enter the scene with nothing but love and acceptance while gently guiding you where your instincts and values want to go, and by the time we leave, we hope to see you standing taller, knowing that while you can call us again for our services anytime, you've got this!
So what are the signs of a fierce parent? We are so glad you asked! Here are our three biggest takeaways that make a parent truly fierce. Confidence in Decisions You have Friend A telling you something different from Friend B, while your mother tells you that back in her day none of this was an issue and people are so uptight. What is a parent to do? While it can be easy to get frustrated and overwhelmed by all of the tension surrounding what you do with your baby, a fierce parent will smile, thank everyone for their opinion and move along. Trusting instincts is key. You know how to pick a great care provider and you know in your heart what your baby needs. It seems that even when you display this kind of confidence, people will chime in and have something to say, but that's okay, because a fierce parent knows how to move along with class, while continuing to do what is best for their family. Self Care, NO Apologies. It seems to be a tale as old as time that the terms parent and martyr go hand in hand. The self sacrificing person with every hair out of place and no time to themselves always seems to get the most praise. However, what is not pictured, is this same self sacrificing person burning out and melting down. No one wants another person to feel this way! This is why fierce parents know that when it's time to focus on themselves, it must be made a priority. It could be as simple as watching the newest episode of "Stranger Things" or as extravagant as buying yourself a hotel room for the night and enjoying not being anyone. Fierce is worn differently by everyone, but the importance is in how it makes you feel. It is fact that only when you are cared for, will you be able to give caring for someone else your absolute all. Never Lose your Charm! A fierce parent knows that they are still the person they were before they had a baby. Becoming a parent doesn't mean you are suddenly joining the club of one size fits all. It just means, you have another hat to wear. Do you love to paint? Like travel? Like going on for a night of dancing? KEEP DOING IT! Keep being you and keep shining. Our children love nothing more than to see that their parents are people with a passion and zest for life. Never forget the biggest lesson in this: fierce parents make fierce kids! If we want our children to know that they are free to be who they are, we have to show them that having them never erased who we were. And though they might give you a few eye rolls in their teen years, we can almost promise they will turn around to love you for it! Does this all sound impossible? Not to worry! It can be a tall order for families with a new baby to truly get comfortable with the idea of being fierce. That is why doulas can make a huge difference in your journey. We will help you navigate this crazy road and validate you when others won't. Fierce doesn't only belong to a few. It can belong to anyone. And it is YOURS for the taking! |